
Postęp S.A. – a sponsor of „Zabrzański Biznesplan 2019” [„Zabrze Business Plan 2019”] contest

Zakłady Metalowe “Postęp” S.A. has become a sponsor of „Zabrzański Biznesplan 2019” [„Zabrze Business Plan 2019”] contest.

The awards ceremony took place on 22nd of September. The winners announced had been chosen amongst 116 business plans submitted for the contest.
 Each year the award goes to the most creative and innovative microentrepreneur who has showed that sometimes it is good to take a risk.

The purpose for that event is to support entrepreneurial spirit and boost the Zabrze citizens to start and carry out business activity in traditional and technological branches.

ZM Postęp was among the Sponsors of the Contest who support developing companies.  The awards have been granted since 2013. This year, the prizes included i.a. financial awards, business premises, management software as well as promotion in media, workshops and courses.  In this 6th contest, the prize pool founded by 35 partners amounts to almost PLN 200,000. 

We wish the awarded assiduity and creativity in their business.