Along with other companies of the Luma Automation group (Saga Poland, Odlewnia Kutno, Saga Tools) we participate in automotive fairs in Shanghai.
Automechanika Shanghai is the largest trade fairs of this type in the world. This year, despite the pandemic, there is going to be 3900 exhibitors on the area of 280 k square metres of exhibition area. It is already 16th edition of the fairs. They will last till 5th December 2020.
For safety reasons and due to limitations in travelling to China, Luma Automation’s materials have been sent to Shanghai before the event. They may be found in the Polish pavilion during the fairs.
We are glad that we are a part of such a great event as the Automechanika Shanghai fairs. We hope that we will participate in the next edition of fairs but this time – with our representatives on the spot.
NIP 648-20-44-920, KRS 0000036252
District Court in Gliwice, X Commercial Division of the National Court Register
Share capital: 1,700,000 PLN
Paid-up capital: 1,700,000 PLN
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