
FMEA training in ZM Postęp

Engineers of the Automation companies attended training on FMEA application. The training was held in the headquarters of ZM Postęp.

Luma Automation, selecting proper entities to its portfolio, creates a possibility of development of the capital group ecosystem based on mutual synergies.
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is a method consisting of detecting cause-and-effect links in potential product defects occurrence.  The main aim of application of the FMEA is systematic identification of potential product or process defects, minimising the effects or their complete elimination.

Given that we are a proud holder of the IATF 16949 certificate, we are obliged to continuous improvement of our qualifications and to adjust to automotive standards.  In this regard, by the Management Board President’s decision, a Task Force has been appointed in order to “implement changes in the FMEA methodology in the company” so that current standards are aligned with the new workbook (published in 2019) – says Piotr Słomiany, the leader of the Task Force. 

Three days of FMEA training, namely 31st of July, 5th and 10th of August, are a part of the cycle of 12 meeting with a Proqual consultant (the other meetings will be held only with the Task Force).  The training was attended by employees of ZM Postęp and invited employees of Odlewnia Kutno and Saga Poland, in total – 17 persons.

Each day, the training lasted for 6 hours and it was held in the headquarters of ZM Postęp.  Meeting of the three companies (Odlewnia Kutno, Saga Poland, ZM Postęp) was held in a friendly atmosphere, the participants were provided with a meal and the material presented allowed for understanding of the new approach to FMEA in automotive. Integration of the companies gave the chance for familiarising with the activity profile of each of them and with processes they carry on.  At the end on the training, ZM Postęp organised a visit at the plant for the guests so that they could see the plant’s operation in practice.