

of metal products

Zakłady Metalowe POSTĘP is a key partner to the greatest automotive companies in Poland and worldwide.  Given our unrivalled experience we are one of the leading high-volume producers of metal products. We produce a wide range of elements made of pipes, steel sheet and strips with thickness range from 0.5-5mm. We specialise in production of car body shells elements, structures of car seats, components of exhaust systems, elements of direct current motors.

We put great emphasis on customer care, therefore we are one of the greatest producers and suppliers for the automotive market.   Special care for every detail and innovation give us a standing-out position amongst the competitors.

We are a part of the Luma Automation Group associating companies specialising in advanced technologies of production and processing of metals. Apart from Zakłady Metalowe POSTĘP, the Luma Automation Group also includes: Saga Poland – a producer of pieces of aluminium and zinc alloys, Odlewnia Kutno – a producer of grey and ductile cast iron products,  and Iron Tech –  the leader on the Hungarian market in precision metal parts machining.

We are a member of the following:
ppm in 2023

We are known for precision and attention paid to each detail. We have been offering the highest quality to our customers for years.

million parts yearly

Efficient manufacturing allows us to produce approximately 330 thousand parts daily, what makes more than 90 million parts manufactured yearly!

just-in-time delivery
0 %

Owing to relevant work organisation we are able to provide our customers with 98,7 % on-time deliveries of the parts manufactured.

countries worldwide

We cooperate with the greatest automotive brands, and due to it we send parts to 14 countries worldwide.


We are a part of Luma Automation group specialising in advanced production technologies


We are improving work safety!

Our employees’ safety is our top priority, that is why we proudly announce that we have invested in a state-of-art automated external defibrillator (AED).

Our representative at ESG conference

On 20th October, our representative, Martyna Klecka, Support Services Director, took part in the “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ESG IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CLIMATE CHANGE – A CHALLENGE AND A CHANCE FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT”


We would like to announce that in September Zakłady Metalowe Postęp S.A. passed both the recertification process in terms of the Environmental Management System compliance with ISO 14001 norm and the audit of compliance with the IATF automotive industry quality management system.

Safety first

Safety first On 13th May, at 10.30, all the people working at ZM Postęp heard a fire alarm. According to the scenario, a stand at