Company information
Zakłady Metalowe “Postęp” S.A.
ul. Leona Wyczółkowskiego 16, 44-109 Gliwice
Tax identification No. NIP 6482044920
State statistical No. REGON 273429770
Entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS No.0000036252 by the registry court.
The amount of the share capital is PLN 1,700,000
Dematerialisation of shares
As a consequence of entering into force of the Act on amending the Commercial Companies Code and certain other laws of 30 August 2019, significant changes has been introduced in operation of public limited liability companies and limited joint-stock partnerships within the following scope:
From 01 March 2021 dematerialisation of shares will take place, i.e. all the shares certificated issued by the public limited liability companies shall expire and the shareholder shall be only the persons disclosed in the shareholders’ register which shall supersede the book of shares.
In order to perform the statutory obligations related to the dematerialisation of shares in the Company, the following timetable of actions shall apply:
Until 30 September 2020:
In the period from 30 September 2020 till 28 February 2021:
On 1 March 20201 the shares certificated shall expire. Exercising voting rights and dividends shall be only vested in shareholders entered to the shareholders’ register.
On 01 March 2026 shareholders’ rights shall expire of those shareholders whose shares certificates would have not been dematerialised – paper shares certificated shall lose their evidentiary effect in terms of proving that a shareholder is vested in share rights in the Company.
Annual General Meetings
The Management Board of Zakłady Metalowe “Postęp” Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Gliwice, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS. No. 0000036252 (“the Company”), acting pursuant to article 399 (1) of the Commercial Companies Code, hereby convenes the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders to be held on 28 September 2020 at 10:00 in the Qubus Hotel in Gliwice at ul. Dworcowa 27 (44-100 Gliwice) (“the AGM”), with the following agenda:
Pursuant to article 401 (1) and (2) of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, the Management Board of Zakłady Metalowe “Postęp” S.A. (KRS 0000036252) announces a change to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting convened to be held on 28 September 2020 in the Qubus Hotel in Gliwice at Dworcowa 27, introduced in connection with the shareholders’ requests. The change consists in adding to the agenda points 11a and 11b of the following wording:
11a. Adoption of a resolution on application in Zakłady Metalowe “Postęp”
S.A. of the International Accounting Standards, the International Financial Reporting Standards and interpretations related thereto published by regulations of the European Commission;
11b. Adoption on resolutions on appointment of the Supervisory Board member by voting in separate groups.
NIP 648-20-44-920, KRS 0000036252
District Court in Gliwice, X Commercial Division of the National Court Register
Share capital: 1,700,000 PLN
Paid-up capital: 1,700,000 PLN
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